
Lately we have witnessed a lot of discussion about the different possibilities for women and men in film. If we look at the numbers, one thing is clear; the situation hasn’t changed much these past years. Films directed by women, for example, don’t even reach 10%. 9-1. Men are winning the match.

Taking this serious matter into account, there have been many propositions to change the gender-driven results: (H)emen, for example. And, of course, in between those propositions the forbidden word has resurfaced: Quota. But, what’s a quota?

According to the dictionary, a quota is a number, amount or share that is officially allowed or necessary to be equal.

If women are half of the population in the world, there should be no doubt. Half for each half. Fifty-fifty. But even now we need a lot of courage to take actions to be closer to that quota, as it is so far from reality. And the ones who have the capacity and the means to do so, are looking the other way.

We’ve done an experiment in our little brave production company, we’ve taken the biggest and most important project and we’ve applied the fifty-fifty quota. Do you know what changed? On one side, absolutely nothing. A great project it’s still a great project.

But, on the other side, everything has changed. In Gariza Films we’ve scientifically demonstrated that fifty-fifty is not a dangerous quota. It’s not a difficult number to achieve. Everyone is peacefully working in equality. Maybe, just maybe, being equal is not as difficult as we thought.

May the revolution catch us without looking to the other side.

Lara Izagirre for Ttap Aldizkaria (5-11-18)


A place in the encyclopedia


The letter M